Since 2013, RLS & Associates, Inc. has had the pleasure of administrating the New Hampshire RTAP Program with the help of NHDOT and the NHRTAP Committee. RLS is proud and honored to have this opportunity to assist New Hampshire’s rural public transit systems in providing safe and effective service through training programs, the New Hampshire RTAP newsletter, the New Hampshire RTAP website, and one-on-one technical assistance. RTAP resources are available both to Section 5311 and Section 5310 Grantees.
We would like to introduce to you the New Hampshire RTAP staff:
RTAP Manager
RLS & Associates, Inc.
(937) 299-5007 or (800) 684-1458
RTAP Committee Members
Carole Zangla, GCSCC
Terri Paige, CAPBM
Angelique Chaput, Easter Seals
Adams Carroll, Advance Transit
Teri Palmer, NH State Mobility Manager
Charles Pratt, HCS Services
RTAP Instructors
Michael Acerno
Terri Paige
Steve Leavitt
Jeanene McDonald
Chris Andreasson
Terry Bridges
The NHRTAP staff looks forward to working with you! If you have any questions or concerns about RTAP training or NHRTAP in general, please contact the RTAP Manager at the number or e-mail address indicated above.