Online Training Options

In addition to the New Hampshire RTAP Program's training curriculum, there are a variety of online options available to drivers and agencies who may be unable to access immediate RTAP trainings. The links below provide additional training options available for free online through various organizations.  

National RTAP

In order to access the National RTAP eLearning courses listed below, you must first register and create an account. Once you have an account established, you need to click on "Login" at the top right-hand corner of the My Courses webpage in order to sign in and view the course options. The courses listed below are just a few options available on National RTAP. Please visit the My Courses page for a complete listing.

Emergency Procedures for Rural Transit Drivers - This training was originally developed by National RTAP as a self-paced course or classroom training, and has now been adapted to offer an online e-learning version. The course provides training to transit drivers and staff on properly responding to incidents, accidents, problem passengers, acts of nature and other emergencies. The three units are: Preparedness, Hazards and Threats, and Emergency Procedures. 

  • The learner component includes the Learner’s Guide, available in an e-learning format with the content, videos, and quizzes included. It can also be downloaded or ordered as a hard-copy.
  • The instructor component includes the Instructor's Guide as a PDF or hard-copy, explaining how to deliver the training; a PowerPoint; and a recorded webinar with an overview of the training. 
  • There are also sample pre-trip inspection forms available for download.

Dispatching and Scheduling for Rural Transit Systems - This updated and enhanced training is designed for staff who perform the role of dispatcher and/or scheduler in a rural, small urban, or tribal transit agency. New dispatchers and schedulers can use this training to learn the major components of their roles. Seasoned dispatchers and schedulers can also use the training for refreshing their skills.

The online training presents the material in an engaging multimedia format, including video commentary, scenarios, and quizzes. Reference documents from Appendix C of the training manual are provided as downloadable, stand-alone resources within the training. 

The entire eLearning course takes approximately 4 hours and is divided into the same 11 sections as the manual. The length of the sections ranges from 10 minutes to 25 minutes. Learners can complete the program at their own pace.

Delivering Excellent Customer Service in Rural Transit - This folder contains two courses: one designed for general education on the value and principals of customer service in rural transit, and one designed specifically for managers to facilitate excellent customer service practices throughout and at all levels of a transit providing organization. Together, the concepts in these companion courses help instill a culture of customer service excellence that will create positivity about - and within - your organization, leading to better outcomes on performance measures.

Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors - Reasonable Suspicion training is for supervisors who are in charge of making reasonable suspicion referrals of safety-sensitive employees.

Substance Abuse Awareness - This course has two modules. The first is untimed and provides an overview of the course navigation, information about the FTA substance abuse program and general awareness education about the dangers of alcohol misuse on the individual’s health, work, and personal life, as well as signs and symptoms of an alcohol problem. 

The second module on prohibited drugs will be timed, and includes five sections. The module MUST take a minimum of ONE HOUR to complete to receive credit for the course. Your knowledge will be tested after each of the prohibited drug discussions with a series of questions. Your knowledge will not be tested after the alcohol section. You will only be tested following each of the 5 prohibited drug sections. DO NOT RUSH. Take your time to ensure your understanding. The average time to complete the program is 90 minutes.

Problem Passengers: Managing Difficult Passengers & Situations - This course portrays many of the challenging situations front-line rural transit staff may face, such as angry passengers, fare refusals, passengers under the influence, sexual advances, weapons on the vehicle, offensive odors, passengers with dementia, and more. The training explains appropriate driver responses for each situation. 

This course also covers customer management and behavior modification techniques, as well as ways drivers can present themselves to set a positive tone and maintain authority to help prevent situations from escalating.

Safety Training and Rural Transit (START) Online - START Online offers basic safety training for new transit drivers or refresher training for more experienced drivers. The course enhances and reinforces learning through interactive exercises, scenarios, games, and quizzes, and tests learning in a final exam.

Training Videos - Wheelchair Securements and Lifts - These videos and training materials are provided by the manufacturers as a convenience and for informational purposes only. These videos do not constitute an endorsement or approval by National RTAP of any of the products, services, or opinions in the video or the supplier.

Florida RTAP Recorded Webinars

Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)

Understanding Passengers Who Have Experienced Trauma - This course was created for public transportation, NEMT, specialized transportation, and other drivers who interact with the general public on a daily basis. It’s purpose is to educate drivers on the impacts that past traumatic events can have on individuals and how those impacts may play out in a transportation setting.

Volunteer Driver Safety - Topics include:

  • Communication with passengers
  • Safety of the volunteer’s vehicle
  • Defensive driving
  • Avoiding distractions
  • Liability and insurance

Conflict Management and De-escalation for Transit Drivers and Supervisors -


  • The Risk
  • De-escalation Strategies
  • Signs of Escalating Conflict
  • Responding to Danger
  • Review of Key Points

Passenger Assistance Safety & Sensitivity (PASS) Online - PASS online consists of 7 modules and includes comprehensive training on the assistance that drivers should be providing to passengers with special needs. *This class is $50 to take, however, it is available for reimbursement through the NHRTAP scholarship program*

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